Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment and Debrief

Your Time Investment:

  • Taking the Assessment: 20-30 minutes

  • Receiving the Debrief:  1 hour 30 minutes

Total Time: approx. 2 hours

What's Included:

  • ELI Assessment

  • ELI Assessment results

  • Debrief of your results

Not ready for a long-term coaching relationship, but want to learn more about yourself? Sounds great! The ELI assessment and debrief packs whole lotta insights in a limited time investment. 

Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessments & Debriefs

Everyone sees the world through their own personal filter. The ELI gives you insight on your personal filters. These filters determine how you view the world when things are going normally for you and your reaction to stress. Your filters are based on your experiences, values, and assumptions. Your filters can impact how you perceive and think about your circumstances, how you feel, and how you act.

The ELI Assessment and Debriefs, essentially, reveal your personal filters and helps you figure out how they're affecting your life. They also show you where you’re at today and helps you discover areas of potential improvement. 


What's the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) Assessment?

The ELI Assessment is an attitudinal assessment that quantifies how you perceive and approach life and how you react to different circumstances and experiences. Once you complete the assessment, it generates a score which indicates your level of consciousness and engagement. The score isn’t set in stone and it’s not a fortune teller – it just tells you where you’re at today and helps you discover areas of potential improvement. Bruce D. Schneider (PhD, MCC, Founder iPEC Coaching) created the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) after 25 years of research into human potential and consciousness.

Why is awareness of my personal filters and energy important?

Awareness about how you show up energetically normally and during stress is a key component to reducing the amount of stress that you experience. Most people aren’t achieving as much passion and fulfillment as they're capable of. What a bummer, right? By becoming more conscious of why you do what you do, you can decrease stress, increase joy, and create the kickass life you want.

What happens during the ELI Debrief?

After you take the assessment we’ll conduct a debrief where we’ll explore how different energy levels can emerge in your home and work life and how your thinking can create stress for you. You may also discover your internal energy blocks that hold you back from success and happiness.

What happens when I sign up?

Once you complete the online contact form I'll get back to you within 48 hours to address any of your questions and/or schedule the ELI Assessment and Debrief. 

  1. When the scheduling and payment is all squared away you'll receive an email with a link to the ELI Assessment. The Assessment is done online and takes anywhere from 20 – 45 minutes. I recommend being clear-headed and relaxed.

  2. I’ll receive an “Energy Leadership Report” generated from your results which I will share with you approximately 24 hours prior to the debrief.

  3. During the Debrief we’ll spend 1.5 hours examining your personal energetic profile and energetic stress reaction.